Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC), also known as Federal Financial Participation (FFP), is a way for states to receive federal funding for conducting administrative activities that support the Medicaid program. The role that the Aging Disability Resource Connection (ADRC)/No Wrong Door (NWD) System plays in helping older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers understand and navigate the complex system of long-term services and supports includes many administrative activities that are eligible for MAC. ADRC activities that may be eligible for MAC include:
- Outreach
- Person-Centered Counseling
- Facilitating Medicaid Eligibility
- Training
- Program Planning
- Quality Improvement
Recognizing that MAC is one way to help sustain California’s ADRC/NWD System and enhance access to the Medi-Cal program, Senate Bill 453 (Hurtado, 2019) was passed in October 2019, directing the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and the California Department of Aging (CDA) to work together to determine whether MAC can be used to support the ADRC/NWD System. Joint work efforts by DHCS and CDA to implement MAC are currently underway. The timeline below displays the projected timeline for MAC implementation.