Emergency Preparedness & Response

There are several resources that older Californians can access or that you can use to assist your customers with disaster preparation and response. The following is a list of disaster preparation and response resources.

Emergency Preparedness Resources

Emergency Preparedness Guide

LISTOS California

Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Guide
for Older Adults

Response.ca.gov - One-Stop Website
for Emergency Incident Resources

California Disaster Help and
Information Center

image of emergency supplies including first aid kit, batteries, water bottles, radio, lantern, and backpack

Wildfire Resources

Cal Alerts

CAL FIRE Incidents Updates

Image of fire and smoke behind a row of houses in a neighborhood

Evacuation Resources

This section includes links to resources and information for individuals that are at risk of or currently under evacuation orders.

CAL FIRE Evacuation Tips

Image of a line of cars and a sign that reads evacuation route.

Extreme Heat Resources

Cooling Centers

Flex Alerts

Resources for Staying Safe During
Extreme Heat

Heat Ready CA

image of a mercury thermometer reading 106 degrees in front of a bright sun on a burnt orange background

Flooding and Hurricanes

Quick Guide to Floods (LISTOS)

Preparing for a Hurricane or
other Tropical Storm (CDC)

Silhouettes of palm trees against a dark, cloudy sky

Energy and Water Rate Assistance Resources

This section provides information about various programs designed to assist eligible Californians pay their energy and water bills.

The Low-Income Home Energy
Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

The California Alternate Rates
for Energy (CARE)

The Family Electric Rate Assistance
Program (FERA)

The COVID-19 Rent Relief Program

The California Public Utilities
Commission Programs

Close up image of a rusted metal water faucet with a few drops of water falling from the spout