Rose Glazner

Older Californians Nutrition Program

One song wasn’t enough for Rose Glazner, who asked for another tune, then another from the men delivering toe-tapping music, holiday cheer — and yes, a bagful of delicious meals — to Rose’s doorstep.

Sidewalk Serenades are a joyful innovation of Meals on Wheels (MOW) of the Salinas Valley in collaboration with the Arts Council for Monterey County. Musician Peter Meuse, with his ukelele and harmonica, joined John Gianelli, president of the local MOW. Their lively tunes had a delighted Rose dancing and gleefully singing along with them.

Nutrition-packed food delivery is a core mission of aging services. But Meals on Wheels knows that music can reach a part of the brain that sparks memories and language — a bonus for some with memory issues such as Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia.

Helping people thrive is a hallmark of California’s 50 years of dedicated commitment to enriching the lives of older adults.

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