Outside California

Call 1-800-677-1116
Eldercare Locator

For information on services for seniors or adults with disabilities who live outside California.

State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIP)

For one-on-one insurance counseling and assistance to Medicare beneficiaries, their families, friends, and caregivers.

Programs & Services

The California Department of Aging (CDA) administers programs that serve older adults, adults with disabilities, family caregivers, and residents in long-term care facilities throughout the State. These services are provided locally by the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), Medi-Cal Community Based Adult Services (CBAS) centers, or other contracted agencies.

Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support

CAlz Connect is currently being offered in Marin and Ventura Counties to improve the quality of life for individuals living with dementia and their caregivers. Qualifying people will receive free phone support from a trained community health worker. The community health worker will provide education and help persons access resources on topics such as staying healthy, preventing injuries, accessing community resources, coping with stress, and medication safety.

Digital Inclusion

Stay connected with others, goods, services, and supports to stay healthy and thrive.

Food & Nutrition

Nutrition sites serve healthy meals in a group setting with an opportunity to socialize with others. These sites may also provide nutrition education, nutrition risk screening, and nutrition counseling. Participant contributions are welcome, but not required.

The Home-Delivered Meals Program provides nutritious meals, nutrition education, and nutrition risk screening. Participant contributions are welcome, but not required.

Home & Community Services

Services that enables older adults to access resources that support healthy living and promote independence. Together, these services promote older adults’ ability to maintain the highest possible levels of function, participation, and dignity in the community.

A variety of services are available and vary by area. Services are either provided directly by Area Agencies on Aging or partnerships with service providers.

Family Caregiver Services

The Family Caregiver Services program addresses the unique needs of family members who provide care to a relative. Available services may include respite care, training, counseling, and more!

Senior Employment Training

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides job training to low-income, unemployed adults age 55 and over. Participants gain part-time work experience in non-profit and government agencies and are paid the highest of state or local minimum wages. This training serves as a bridge to unsubsidized employment opportunities for participants.

CalFresh Healthy Living

The CalFresh Healthy Living program [formerly the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) program] provides evidence-based nutrition and physical education activities for older adults age 60 and older. These activities are delivered at congregate nutrition sites and other settings. Activities are intended to encourage participants on a limited budget to make healthy food choices, decrease social isolation, and increase the overall well-being and self esteem of older adults.

Dignity At Home Fall Prevention Program

The mission of the Dignity At Home Fall Prevention Program is to reduce the number of debilitating falls suffered by older adults and persons with disabilities. Research shows that many falls are preventable. For those who are eligible, services may include: fall prevention information and education, referrals and fall prevention resources, in-home environmental assessments, purchase of injury prevention equipment and other services.

California GROWs – CDA’s Direct Care Workforce Initiative

The CalGrows incentive program has officially come to an end, marking a significant milestone for direct care workers across California. This program supported the professional and personal growth of participants, enhancing their skills and contributing to high-quality care statewide. The positive impact of these efforts will continue to benefit communities across California for years to come.